New Ephemeral Beer From Unibroue
It may be called Éphémère Sureau (meaning ephemeral elderberry), but we're hoping to get a taste before this delightful beer disappears. The elderberry beer will be the latest addition to the Canada-based brewer's rotating seasonal line. It is a Belgian-style fruit-wheat ale making use of of both the elderberry fruit and its flowers.
Éphémère Elderberry features a slightly cloudy and seductively reddish color with purplish hues, topped by a creamy pink head that we can't wait to try after a long day in the hot Florida sun. Should be an easy drink at only 5.5% ABV and the delightful 6 IBUs – a perfect summer drink.
All this leads this drinker to think in addition to being a nice dessert drink, can't hurt to try creating an Elder Monk (we just came up with that – it'll catch on) by pouring the Éphémère Sureau over a Belgian quad like St. Bernardus. Good idea or bad idea, who can know until we try.
Let us know in the comments if you've been fortunate enough to try the latest from Unibroue or if you're feeling adventurous enough to try and Elder Monk (seriously hope it's good because that's a great name).
