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Layovers May Become "TapOvers"

While we may not fly through Hartford, CT very often, the fact that a brewery is daring to open a tap room in an airport with so many connecting flights makes me incredibly happy. Two Roads Brewing Company has announced that they're going to be opening a tap room IN the Hartford airport, meaning you can get all the great tastes of Two Roads even when only sitting through endless hours of layovers. In my opinion, anything that makes those layovers less less of a lay-me-down-and-just-kill-me-from-boredom-over the better.

This is also an interesting concept for airports that they should jump on. For instance, say you want to fly to Paris and you can either have a layover at JFK in New York OR you can have a layover in Hartford for a few bucks more, well now knowing there's a tap room there that I can experience the ambience of a brewery and try something new, then I'm probably going to pick Hartford now over JFK. Breweries in airports make the layover a destination, not a hassle.

So here's hoping this works out and more and more breweries begin to do the same (I'm looking at you Founders & Ommegang). Which brewery do you wish was in a layover airport? Would you chose your layover spot based on a tap room? Let us know in the comments below.



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