Dales Pale Ale Goes Artistic & Bigger
Oskar Blues has always been known to push the envelope a little bit and try out new things, like being part of a collaBREWation with Cigar City and Perrin Brewing, but this time they've got even farther. Starting this summer, they're going to be offering Dales Pale Ale (one of our favorites) in 16oz cans, and not just any cans, but cans illustrated by none other than McBess himself. Check these things out, they're awesome!
And they didn't stop their, they're also teaming up with Thinfilm to being sending out coasters that are actually smart, meaning they will enable a direct mobile connection with consumers through the simple tap of a smartphone. In laments terms, tap the coaster, click the link. Yes it's a marketing ploy, but one we will definitely be playing around with next time we see one of these at a bar.
What about you? Have you seen the new cans or checked out the "smart coasters" that coincide with them? Drop us a line or comment below with your sighting.
