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Iowa Tastes the Last Frontier

Congratulations to Iowa as now you get to have the great refreshing taste of Alaskan Brewing without having to travel over 4,000 miles to get a sip of the magic that is Alaskan Brewing. Every year Geo goes to Alaska in August/September to go salmon fishing. Great for everyone back home that gets enough salmon to last a year, but bad for anyone who doesn't get to go and try all the great glacier-water beers that Alaska has to offer. The best coming from Alaskan Brewing. They're good enough to now distribute across the western US all the way to Iowa, but still has a long way to go until it hits our shores down here in Florida.

They're most popular beers include the flagship Alaskan Amber, the invigorating Icy Bay IPA, a Belgian-style wheat beer called Alaskan White, and a rotating series of small batch beers that include a Double-IPA, Hopothermia and Alaskan’s Seasonal lineup starting with the Kölsch-style Summer Ale. If anyone feels like sharing until we can get back to Alaska this Fall, do let us know at



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