New Episode: Abbey Ale Dubbel from Ommegang
This week Ben & Geo give us their best Bluth chicken immitations while also bringing one of our favorite breweries back: Ommegang. This time they're sipping on Abbey Ale Dubbel – an 8.2% Belgian Dubbel with every note you'd expect from an abbey ale and then some you'd only find in your wildest brew dreams.
Little known fact, Abbey was actually Ommegang's first beer and styled after Belgium's Trappist monks (who we can thank for pretty much the best beer on the planet). Trappist ales hale from a time when it was actually healthier and safer to drink beer than it was water, so you know those guys were having a good time. Though probably not as good of a time as you'll have laughing at Ben & Geo's attempts at Irish and Scottish accents.
And the "Lads" in this episode are some good truly Irish friends of theirs, one of which now resides on the Isle of Man, so if you find yourself there just mention Geo and Ben around town and maybe, just MAYBE you'll find a "lad" to share a pint with.
Have you had this one yet? Let us know in the comments below.
