New Episode: Side Door Brewing
This week we were able to sit down with Dwayne Buchholtz from Side Door Brewing Co in Port St. Lucie. He explains to us how he got started, where he draws his inspiration from, and what he's got brewing for the future. Plus he lets us in on what he's got cooking in the barrels out back - let's just say you'll want to visit come December 5th for their anniversary tapping. Listen now.
Side Door Brewing Co opened on December 5th, 2015 – if December 5th sounds familiar, it should, it's Repeal Day – the day prohibition ended and the door was opened for today's beer renaissance. That's been a big part of Side Door Brewing's image, after all you had to enter speakeasies generally through the SIDE DOOR. Ever since they opened, Dwayne and his team have been trying new things every day, pushing the limits of what craft beer is.
One of their most popular beers, and one of Dwayne's favorites is their Painted Door Porter - the building block of many of their other favorites including "Jitters" – their Jamaican Me Jittery Coffee Porter – and their Castronova Chocolate Porter. He also gave us a try of his current barrel-aged project, he's got a few different variations going and two of them are pictured below. There's something truly amazing about being able to try beer at it's purest form without carbonation and at cellar temperature. Can't wait to try the finished products.
They're doing a special home brew demonstration event May 7th to give tips for all inspiring brewers.It will be Sunday at 1pm at the taproom. More information will be posted on their Facebook Event page.
They don't have food for sale, but they do have plenty of peanuts to go around. If you're looking for something a little more substantial, there are plenty of restaurants around that you can have delivered to the tap room. Bonus: they're open seven days a week. Check their Facebook or website for hours, more special events, and what's on tap each day.
Definitely check them out as you drink your way along the coast of Florida.
