New Episode: Holy Grail Ale from Black Sheep Brewery
As children Geo & Ben both grew up saying crazy things like "your mother was a hamster" and "it's only a flesh wound" because they both were equally indoctrinated to the cult classic that is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Then when they grew up to find a beer brewed for the 30th Anniversary of one of their favorites there could be only one option – buy immediately. Buy a lot. Buy the chalice.
Holy Grail Ale is lauded as the Monty Python team's go-to-beer and is a 4.7% Golden Ale that makes up for it's lack of ABV with taste and creativity, just check out their official description: "With more hops than a killer rabbit, it's a full-flavoured golden ale with a distinctively fruity flavour followed by the Black Sheep signature dry finish. Be warned, this beer has been tempered over burning witches! Only joking." If a beer is not only delicious, but can make you laugh while drinking it than it must be a winner. And if it's tempered over burning witches, even better.
It has a light crisp taste and it definitely worth checking out. It will surely be a crowd pleaser and a conversation piece – embrace the love of British humour.
