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New Episode: Dunedin Diadem

We're in Tampa for a concert and in the meantime visiting one of our favorite breweries: Dunedin. This is actually our first time visiting the tap room and it is worth it. They have some pretty amazing beers on tap, like a DAMPF they created in collaboration with 7th Suns, an Apricot Peach Ale that will have even the biggest doubters of fruity beers questioning their stance, and this week's highlight: Diadem – a Double IPA that that will have you seeing stars.

Diadem is an 8.2% ABV Double IPA that any hophead will tell you is a rare treasure. They don't have it on tap very often so when they do, it's definitely worth the try. This malty, dark golden-colored ale was a treat and it was only made better by being joined by our original first mic, Kevin. Even if Kevin couldn't get the concept of what a "live episode" is and that this was NOT one of them, they still provide plenty of entertainment on this weeks episode.

We came to know Dunedin through our mutual love of all things Scottish (well not all things, who really likes haggis), but in particular we both enjoy the Central Florida Scottish Highland Games. It's a yearly event in Central Florida where people come together to wear kilts, drink beer, and watch men throw giant logs in the air – it's great. And the beer is provided by the ever-generous Dunedin Brewery. If you ever get a chance to try them out, we highly recommend them, and the Highland Games.



The Man Behind The Mic
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