New Episode: Birra Etrusca Bronze From Dogfish Head
This week Ben is back – we're officially stuck with this guy – but he's brought us something interesting, an "ancient ale" called Etrusca from Dogfish Head. Another beauty from one of our favorites complete with honey & myrrh. Listen now.
When Dogfish Head goes for a beer, they GO for a beer. For this ancient ale they actually sent their brewers to Rome with a molecular archeologist to analyze "drinking vessels" found in a 2,800 year old tomb to make this beer in collaboration with 2 other breweries in Italy. "In every part of the process, we go for as much authenticity as we can," the Dogfish Head brewer who when to Rome says. "Ingredients are often tough to track down, and there can be financial and logistical challenges, but we really love embracing these risks to bring these beers to market."
And if you're really a fan of this one you can travel to Italy and look for the other two breweries they worked with – Birra del Borgo and Baladin – since they also have their variations of the Etrusca. All of them use hazelnut flour, pomegranates, honey, and myrrh, but each brewery ferments their Etrusca batch in different materials (Dogfish Head uses bronze, Borgo uses wood, and Baladin uses terra cotta).
Overall this 8.5% ABV ancient ale will not disappoint, take a sip of this and it's like taking a sip of history.
